Beer bands won't lose your beer

Once you're 2, 3, or 15 hours in the party, all the beer bottles pretty much look the same, especially if it's one of those BYOB parties and everyone just brings a case of Coors Light because they're cheap bastards.

Beer bands uses the age-old armband technology that Lance Armstrong made popular with his "Live Strong" campaign and uses it for something other than helping all those freaking cancer patients. Well, I guess it could help cancer patients keep track of their beers too.

The bands come in 4 different categories and are all colored differently. You can get "Bombed etc" which includes ones like "blitzed, ripped, and hammered," or "Designated Driver" which has 10 "drunk" bands and two "driver" bands, "Personalities" which has "bed wetter, control freak, desperate" or "Mine" in which they all say "Mine."

So, make sure you don't have another night drinking another person's swill and get your beer bands now!

Beer Bands Drink Markers - US$6.49
via YumSugar


Dr. Bamboo said…
" of those BYOB parties and everyone just brings a case of Coors Light because they're cheap bastards."

This describes virtually every party I attended in my twenties.

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