Fighting fires with vodka

Two of the coolest things on the planet, vodka and firefighters, are coming together. Ivanabitch vodka is setting up the campaign, "Cheers to our Hardcore Heroes" which will see a percentage of Ivanabitch revenue going to national and local firefighting organizations.

The program has full endorsement of a lot of firefighting organizations as a way to raise money for equipment and training at many volunteer firefighting companies.

It's great to see a company making a significant contribution to a cause they believe in, not just the usual tax write-off lip service we usually see. If you're a distributor and order the vodka for a fundraiser, they'll even give you 10 free shirts to giveaway. Nice work.

I really like this promotion and idea, you'll see a lot more coverage of it here as the information comes.

Vodka Company Fundraises For U.S. Firefighting Organizations - [Press Release]
Fire Services Fund - [Ivanabitch Vodka]


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