Wine.Woot Cathedral Ridge 2005 Trio

Why it was just last week that I was making a joke about Sideways. Well, the fine people at Wine.Woot must have been listening because here they are with 3, count 'em, 3 bottles of Pinot Noir ready for you to get uppity too and tell everyone how Chardonnay is for the serfs.

The vineyard's site has the bottles for $24 each and Woot is dishing it out to you for $54.99 for 3 bottles. So, you're getting about 25% off and that's more than 24% off and a hell of a lot more than 10% off. Math is fun.

I've known Catherdral Ridge for being some of Hood River's finest Syrah, I haven't had the Pinot but the region is kicking ass when it comes to Pinot, so I doubt you'll be sorry you got this stuff. However, it's overall not as compelling as last week's and I say get it if you want to explore a new Pinot, but it's not a must-have.

Verdict: Jury is out. Get it if you want some more Pinot's in your rack.


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