If you've been itching to try the G One Sake by Sake One, it's for sale right now during the Woot off. Two bottles for $29.99 plus the famous $5 shipping.
Only 8 months after real absinthe has become legalized in the U.S., the importers and overseas producers have really started taking advantage of the buzz and mystique that absinthe holds and launching like crazy here. With more absinthe launches than vodka lately, it may not be long until the brands are just as gimmicky. Three new absinthe's have launched this week in hopes of garnering early market share in a soon-to-be-crowded market. La Fee Absinthe Parisienne is made in Paris and has been around for a while as it's been sold in 20 countries for the last 10 years or so. The product is made by traditional standards and the owner of the recipe still approves each batch of La Fee. For a while, Lucid Absinthe was the only one you could get in the US as it wasn't made from the traditional Grand Wormwood (until March of 2007) so it could get away with going around the law. The producers guessed that the stuff that was considered a fake (but still very flavorful) wasn'...
As of last week we averaged over 1,000 users per day. That's pretty damned cool. I'm surprised to see it myself considering how poor we rank on Technorati, but Performancing.com doesn't lie! In case you live under a rock, the Virtual Bartender are girls that do as you command, just like any good bartender does. They each have a huge list of commands and the most recent version has two girls. The shot pictured is them doing Star Wars. But they make out, shake ass, and many other things (no nudity, but plenty of cheesecake). They seem to do a lot of stuff except being able to make a martini. Brilliant. Virtual Bartender - [beer.com] Tags: bartender , beer , thanks
1. Roger Moore 2. Timothy Dalton 3. Sean Connery 4. Lazenby 5. Sellers 6. Brosnan Craig is not a Bond, they just used the name to make action movies about a spy, not Bond movies.