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Love Potion #9

This new sugar cane alcohol distilled product actually comes from South America, not Madame Rue.  OMG!  SONG REFERENCE! The blend of 20 fruity fruits from the Tropical Zonal Region Place of the world includes stuff like mango, peach, chocolate, and vanilla and is set to launch this May.  The Talking Heads from their company say that it is very mixable and that it "tastes different every time."  It has also won the 2009 World Spirits Competition Platinum Meda, so, you know, they have that going for them.   When I get samples to pour down my gullet I'll let you guys know how it is.  Will it be tasty or will I have to call a Witch Doctor?  OMFG!  OBSCURE-BUT-RELATED SONG REFERENCE!!! Love Potion #9 - No Announced Price

Malt liquor with vodka taste

Revolution U&I isn't really vodka, but it's not really a regular malt liquor beer. It's in a new category called "Alcomalt" and is made in Canada. It's charm comes from its ability to not only taste like vodka, but also because it has half the alcohol of vodka, allowing it to be sold in convenience stores under a regular beer and wine license. They're not just stopping at vodka either. They've got a dry gin, a rum, and mixed drinks too, like a strawberry daiquiri and a Blue Lagoon. You won't find them in the US yet, only in Canada and mostly in French, which means we'll probably never get them. Revolution U&I

Tropical wines with no grapes

Well, they've started making just about every other alcohol from wine grapes, so it was bound to happen that they start making wines from other fruits. The Schnebly Winery makes wines from tropical fruits like Carambola, Mango, Lychee, Guava, and Passion Fruit. They even have a Carambola wine that's aged in French Oak. Skeptical? You bet. I've found most grape vodka's to be utterly annoying and have serious doubts about going the other direction. I'd love to see these take off though, if for no other reason because it expands the marketplace so nicely.