Going to the in-laws house and need a quick taste of tolerance? Pocket Shot! Crashed in the middle of the ocean and on a deserted island with no one to talk to except the guy who was in 3C on the plane and thinks that anything having to do with Vanilla Ice is cool? Pocket Shot! Out on a blind date and realizing why the person who set you two up kept describing your date as "A great cook?" Pocket Shot! Pocket Shot come in flexible, squishy, nearly-unbreakable bottles that give you one of your favorite drinks anytime, anywhere (including detox). With flavors like vodka, rum, tequila, whiskey (Bourbon), and gin, you're sure to find a flavor that grandma likes so you can sneak it in to her at the home. Best part is you can buy a box of these babies with 120 in the box. Hellloooooo Saturday Night! Pocket Shot